Un momento de la presentación de la renovada web de la Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas
This morning, the president of Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas, Juan Gil de Araujo, and general manager of the company Esterea, José Alcañiz, presented the new corporate website of this non-profit association. This initiative is a part of the activities carried out for the 20th anniversary of the founding of this wine tourism route.
The website www.rutadelvinoriasbaixas.com features a friendly and interactive interface whose goal is, in Gil de Araujo’s words, “to be one more aspect that attracts our visitors”. One of the main new features is the “possibility for users to create their own itinerary”.
The details about how the website works, and in particular about this new feature, were explained by the general manager of the company in charge of creating this new digital portal. José Alcañiz indicated that, via the section Design your route, users can choose the partner establishments that would like to visit – all of them geo-located with the application Google Maps – to then download their itinerary to any mobile device or send it by email. All of this to improve the overall experience of Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas.
Another addition to this renovated website is the blog, where, aside from sharing news and announcements about different events and activities organised by the non-profit association, will also publish posts with recommendations for wine tourism fans. All to broaden the possibilities offered to visitors of this wine tourism route.
Likewise, an Agenda section has also been created. Here visitors will find all different events and activities organised by Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas. Plus, they will have the option of signing up for the route’s newsletter, which will regularly inform recipients about all initiatives carried out by the non-profit.
With regard to the previous website, the sections dedicated to the different types of establishments associated to Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas are still working, included within the section called Wine tourism, and which have various direct links from the main page. This way, the user can locate what he/she needs via the subsections Wineries, Restaurants, Lodging and What to visit. This last one includes wine tourism services, museums, outdoors and nature, local festivities and monuments of interest.
Of course, this web wouldn’t be complete without “a space dedicated to the wines of the Rías Baixas Denomination of Origin, as they are the core of our wine tourism route”, indicated Juan Gil de Araujo. Within this section, aside from the different sub-regions, visitors will also find information about the characteristics of the wines and notes about how to taste them. Lastly, there is also information about the wine production process and the wine culture within this denomination of origin.
The website’s information is completed with details about the history and the goals of Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas. These include highlights such as the fact that it is the only Galician wine tourism itinerary included within the select club Wine Route of Spain – who hold very high quality standards and perform regular audits – as well as being included in the Guía de Rutas Enológicas Accesibles para Todas las Personas de la Plataforma Representativa Estatal de Personas con Discapacidad Física (Guide of Wine Routes Accessible for all People of PREDIF).