Petroglifos de Outeiro de Cribo

In the part superior is a labyrinth of Mogor type of about 60 cms of diameter, crossed by a straight line that leaves from its center towards the right, leaving its perimeter. On this motive, a series of indeterminate strokes can be observed, possibly of modern invoice. Under t...

Molinos de Rande y de Batán

It is a tour of four small mills arranged in cascade along the length of 300 meters that make up an idyllic river walk along the river Batán, which gets its name due to the existence in this area of an old mill (machine moved by the hydraulic force that serves to beat in the wet...

Pazo de los Duques de Patiño

The Pazo de los Duques de Patiño is located in the center of the town of Sanxenxo, in the parish of Padriñán. It is a landscaped pazo of great beauty, whose origin may have been a modified tower. Location: Located in the center of the town of Sanxenxo, in the parish of Padr...

Monasterio de Armenteira

Las tierras pertenecientes al monasterio están rodeadas por un muro del que cabe destacar la portada barroca que sirve de acceso al atrio situado delante de las fachadas de la iglesia y del monasterio propiamente dicho. Dos contrafuertes circulares rematados en forma cónica le ...

Ruta de los Molinos de Barrantes

This route consists of four water mills that flank this tributary of the Umia River and visitors can access to know its operation and its uses recovered today as a tourist and cultural activity. Location: Parish of Barrantes, City Council of Ribadumia....