Petroglifos de Outeiro de Cribo
In the part superior is a labyrinth of Mogor type of about 60 cms of diameter, crossed by a straight line that leaves from its center towards the right, leaving its perimeter. On this motive, a series of indeterminate strokes can be observed, possibly of modern invoice.
Under the labyrinth we can differentiate a group of cervids formed by a male, easily identified by his antlers and with a length of 57 cm and a female about 36 cm long. Both animals have curved strokes attached to their hindquarters that can be interpreted as dragging something. There are a series of inconclusive traces about the deer that may suggest incomplete figures of other animals.
In the lower right we see a bowl, and another male deer this time of shorter length, about 30 cm. and two concentric circles of 20 cm. of diameters with 4 cups inside.
It should be noted the presence, in the central part to the left of the motifs previously exposed, of a riding scene that owing both to its engraving technique and its morphology. to a later time to the rest of the reasons.
Location: Located in the middle section of the slope of a mountain, in the line of summits of the Massif of Castrove, near A Armenteira a few meters from the necropolis of the Fuente del Lagarto.
Under the labyrinth we can differentiate a group of cervids formed by a male, easily identified by his antlers and with a length of 57 cm and a female about 36 cm long. Both animals have curved strokes attached to their hindquarters that can be interpreted as dragging something. There are a series of inconclusive traces about the deer that may suggest incomplete figures of other animals.
In the lower right we see a bowl, and another male deer this time of shorter length, about 30 cm. and two concentric circles of 20 cm. of diameters with 4 cups inside.
It should be noted the presence, in the central part to the left of the motifs previously exposed, of a riding scene that owing both to its engraving technique and its morphology. to a later time to the rest of the reasons.
Location: Located in the middle section of the slope of a mountain, in the line of summits of the Massif of Castrove, near A Armenteira a few meters from the necropolis of the Fuente del Lagarto.
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