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All ready for VI Xornadas de Portas Abertas (6th Open Days) of Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas that start tomorrow with ‘Venres de Tapeo’ (Friday Tapas) and the magic tricks of Pedro Volta

All ready for VI Xornadas de Portas Abertas (6th Open Days) of Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas that start tomorrow with ‘Venres de Tapeo’ (Friday Tapas) and the magic tricks of Pedro Volta

Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas is finalising the last arrangements for the celebration of VI Xornadas de Portas Abertas (6th Open Days). Between the 19th and 21st of May, a myriad of activities will be offered for all those who wish to experience wine tourism differently....

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Rías Baixas remains among the top ten Wine Routes of Spain with the highest number of visitors

Rías Baixas remains among the top ten Wine Routes of Spain with the highest number of visitors

La Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas se mantiene en entre las diez primeras Rutas del Vino de España más visitadas. Así lo demuestra el noveno informe anual sobre las visitas a bodegas y museos del vino que ha hecho público hoy la Asociación Española de Ciudades del Vino (ACEVIN), un documento que permite conocer y estudiar los hábitos e intereses del turismo enológico en nuestro país.

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