Viña Cartín Winery

Part of the Rías Baixas Denomination of Origin, the current winery produces three labels (Viña CartínRuta 49 and Terras de Lantaño), with grapes coming from over 16 hectares, divided in 6 different vineyards (owned by the winery) in the districts of Lantaño, Meis, Vilanova de Arousa and Vilagarcía de Arousa. The variety of the lots in terms of location, altitude, distance to the sea and climate conditions (sandy loam soils, with more or less clay content and depth), gives each wine its different nuances and complexity. Each lot is cultivated separately, depending on the traditional production schemes to later proceed with coupage, which will give way to the different wines.


Baceiro nº1, 36657, Portas


From 9:30 to 13:30 and 15:30 to 19:00. Group visits (with prior reservation) from 10:00 to 18:00, Monday thru Sunday.