Adega Condes de Albarei
Born in 1988, coinciding with the creation of the Rías Baixas Denomination of Origin. The initiative of a small group of enthusiastic winegrowers of Salnés valley (which today has increased to 400), who joined forces and vineyards for the elaboration and commercialisation of the highest quality albariños. Today, the winery has over 300 hectares, exceeding the traditional hindrance of the area, traditional famring, guaranteeing sufficient commercial projection in national and international markets, as well as the unification of criteria of production and quality.
Bouza, 1 - Castrelo, 36639, Cambados
Tel:+34 986 543 535 Fax:+34 986 524 251
Monday thru Friday from 9:00 to 14:00 and 15:30 to 18:30.
- Accessible
- Bus parking onsite
- Car parking onsite
- Events hall
- Signage on the road
- Event organisation
- Sale of wines
- White wine production